Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Pittsburg, PA, we made it.  We had a long drive up from Florida with only small incidents, like the horrible rain, thunder, lightening, wind and hail for the last 120 miles of the trip through the winding hills of West Virginia.
The famous stacks.
 We made it to the convention center despite the fact that some guy flagged us down on the freeway, pulled us over and told us our car was smoking.  After that, it was all up hill.  Here are the pics of our booth and all the new quilts we debuted.
Here is a shot of the whole Booth

We introduced a new series of quilts called LIL' MUNCHKINS.  Two smaller quilts perfect for wall hangings or holiday throws.  Meet PETER AND PENELOPE PUMPKIN AND SEBASTION SNOWMAN.

We have two new FAT QUARTER quilts.  On the right is SHAKE RATTLE AND ROLL and on the left is GLASS ONION.

The last quilt is the adorable CELLOPHANE FLOWERS.  We also had a cute display for the Beatle Bag. 

We have on new bag called THE "DINA" BAG

Here are a couple more photos of the booth.

It was a great time as always, meeting up with old friends and making new friends.  You can see all the new patterns which are on the website and ready to purchase, www.abbeylanequilts.com.  Hope you have a great week.  Marcea and Janice


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